Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hold not thy laughter

Hold not thy laughter
For that joyful sound I am forever after, seeking when you are around
Waiting for it to chortle, in the background

Hold not thy laughter
As it fights to escapes thy lips
To send me on joyful trips
Your giggles and cackles
Harmlessly tend to baffle
Your happy facial expressions
Paint only a gleeful picture of inspiration
As we rejoice to thy jubilant noises in full attention

Hold not thy laughter from the heart
Hold not thy laughter until we part
Hold not thy laughter as we make a start
When I dispel in my gloom
Thy laughter delivers me
Safely from my state of doom
Sadness runs outside from my room
Happiness inside glows with a boom
As my rosy cheeks mirthfully blossom

Hold not thy laughter as we cheerfully chat
Hold not thy laughter when you publicly fart
Hold not thy laughter whatever the format
A giggle, a chuckle, a titter not a snigger

Laugh it out whether thin or fat
Fill the air, my dear
Laugh it out before it scats out flat

Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi Sylvia Chidi
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