Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I miss U,Like a child misses it's mother,
I miss U,Like a bird misses it's nest,

I am like a fish removed from the tank,
Living has become difficult for sure.

I miss U,Like the day misses the moon,
I miss U,Like the night misses the sun,

I am like a bird separated from the flock,
Who will show me the right way home ?

I miss U,Like the desert misses the rain,
And I miss U,Like the flower misses the dew,

I really miss U,Like the fields miss the plough,
What am I without U ?

U are in my dreams,
U are in my thoughts,
U are in me always,
But still, I miss U.

Without U life has become miserable for sure,
Shower me with lots of love, that's the only cure,
I miss U ,
I really miss U.

Sunil Ramaiah
here for Kannada Poetry (Kavithe/Kavana)