In Love, Drop the Object
Beloved Osha,
Waiting for you to get well, there came a point where I wasn't waiting anymore for something - it simply became just waiting. Discovering the beauty and sweetness if it was so precious. Waiting needs no patience. It is like living in moonlight - a mysterious quiet joy, so nourishing and restful, becoming a womb connected with You in a circular flow if energy.
And just when I felt I couid go on waiting forever and ever - wondering if I was becoming too much if an Indian! - You shower on us again the gift of Your physical presence, the Roiden bright sunshine setting me cif1ame. again.
Beloved, beloved Master, can You ever be as happy with us as we are with You?
Puma, the experience has been immensely valuable.On the path of mystery, all objects are nothing but excuses - because you cannot wait without an object, without it being for something. The moment waiting is for something, it is desire; it is not waiting. And by its very nature, desire goes on becoming narrower.
You love - the begining of love is a wider experience, because . love has not become· desire yet. You have not started to take your beloved for granted.
The calamity of marriage has not happened yet, you are still free to move in any direction. The other is not yet binding. The other is not yet a hell because there is no relationship yet. No promises are yet given, no decisions for tomorrow are yet taken. You are entirely satisfied with the moment.
When you are in love, who cares about the future, about a life beyond death? When you are in love, life is here at the very center of your love, but only before you commit the common fallacy of humanity. You love somebody but the love is not defined yet, is not reduced to law - you have not been to the marriage registrar's office, you have not been to any priest to destroy your love and give you a guarantee.You have not asked for tL~ guarantee yet - that's why you are free.
You have not asked the other person to be a certain way and only then you will love. Your love is still unconditional, you love the person as he or she is. Your love is not yet possessive.But soon that moment will come, and out of this beautiful experience of expansion of consciousness you will start being afraid to lose it..
Who knows about tomorrow?. The woman may turn away, the man may not recognize you.Basically, we are strangers. And all that we know about each other is arbitrary - the name, the address, the face, the beauty - becaus~ all these will be changing.Your beloved may have the most beautiful eyes and tomorrow, blindness is possible. Unless you have learned to love as the other is, the beautiful beginning,
the beautiful sunrise in your consciousness, will turn soon into a dark night of the soul.The same things that you used to love now create anger, now create hatred. The same things that you used to appreciate are now nothing but nagging....
The reception room was beautiful, and because of the beauty of the reception room you have entered a jail.But this is not the only possibility,. of lovingness turning into a narrow, ugly desire to dominate, to.PoSS(~SS, to be jealous of. If this were all, no intelligent;person would have tolerated life for a single moment.For the intelligent person, suicide would have been the only way out.But it is not so - became there is an alternative.
Love can become too much concentrated on the object, the beloved. And this is the misery; then you become dependent and nobody loves dependence.The alternative is that love does not become addressed to a single person or a single object, but takes a diametrically opposite dimension - not towards the object but towards one's own subjectivity.- One becomes love.
I t is not a question of loving someone, of being in love with someone. It is simply a transformation of your consciousness: love is your fragranoe. It has nothing to do with anybody else in the world.
That's what happened, Puma, when you were waiting and waiting for me.A moment is bound to come - if you are silent, joyous, trusting - when waiting can become a depth in your soul. And because you are not waitingjor something or someone, you are the waiting - a silent watchfulness. And because you are not concerned with anything particular, objective, then everything that happens feels as if you were waiting for this.
And your conclusion has a certain validity, too. But you are not looking at things right side up; you are 'looking at things upside down.
My love.is just like the light - it is neither more for somebody nor less for somebody. But stiliJor the blind man it will not exist. For the one who cannot see properly, it will be dim. And for one who can see with a clarity iLwili have a different intensity.I t is the same light, but it will depend how much you l'an receive.I f you are totally open, you can receive it all.And because it is not a quantity - it is pure quality;hencc indivisible -
I can give you my whole heart without having any trouble in giving my whole heart to many other people. Because it is not mathematics, such that I have given the whole heart to one person and now what am I doing? -I·am finished! _
That is not my !"xperience. I have always given my \vhol{' h!"art, because I am lazy. Who bothers to cut one's own heart into pieces? And then to give in a miserly way, pieccs, ... and those pieces will be dead.The heart is alive only in its totality, in its organic unity. But the trouble is in your wrong conditioning.
I can give to the whole world, to each single individual, my whole heart - and still my whole heart remains with me to be given to any newcomer. Because newcomers are always coming!Y all may not be able to understand many things about what the situation is when you are love. For example, when you are love, your love cannot be hot.And in this world, people want hot love. Hot dogs to eat and hot ]ovc to mjoy, and their paradis!" is compl!"te!Mv love is neith!"r hot nor cold. It is cool.U~]!"ss you become very calm and cool, you will not be able to un(lt-rstand it.
You have known only the hot love - an? remember, the danger with the hot love is that sooner or later it is going to become cool. Everything hot is bOlilld to become cool sooner or later, and the fmal end is that it will qecome cold.
You cannot prevent it, it is a natural process. So each hot love turns into hot hate. But you are accustomed to hot - either frien
To understand it, you will have come to the same temperature.And cool love is not only love, it is much more.Because of its coolness, it is meditation, it is silence, it is serenity, it is tranquillity, it is centering. It is not a small phenomenon.I love you more than you can ever be loved.But my love and your experience of love are so different that you will have to change gear.
This is what happened while you were waiting. You waited one day, two days, three days.... And I was sending messages: "Within one or two days I will be starting...." You know I am crazy, I have my own ways of working.I would not have started speaking. It is because of Oarshan, Bhadra and Hansa. I was not seeing people for the .simple reason that I find it impossible to say no to anything. And when Hansa recited a small piece of Urdu poetry, which means "I don't have any complaint. As it is, I am happy; I don't have any complaint.
But life without you is not life at all. ... " It was impossible to say no.So I said to them, "Inform my people that I will start speaking today. Rather than saying no to you, I can stop again!" I have my ways - and this time I will not allow Bhadra, Hansa and Oarshan to see me!
But this is significant to understand: whether I am speaking or not speaking, whether I am seeing you or not seeing you, if you can be here feeling the invisible presencc, that is more than can be expected of human ~)dngs. And that is the golden key.
And in what situation you will wake up nobody knows. Everybc)dy is asleep for different reasons and necds different situations to wake up.Perhaps it helped Puma greatly. She was waiting one day, the next day.... Naturally when you have to wait too long, waiting becomes not an excitement but a settled state. She settled with waiting.
She forgot even what she was waiting for. This is the moment when cnergy starts turning inwards. And to shower in your own energy is the greatest ecstatic expericnce available to man.
But the second part of her question... she will have to learn a little more, to experience a little morc ahout love - object-less love; love not as a relationship but as a state of being. Then she will be surprised: it is cool, not hot. It is non-possessive, it is non-jealous, it has no conscious or unconscious desire to dominate the othcr.
True love is not a beggar; it does not ask you "love me." True love shares its whole being, its whole joy, all the songs, all the flowers, all the stars. It is a celebration.And you are not obliged - true love is alw.ays obliged that you participated in the celebration, that "You allowed my love an entry into your being," that ",You trusted me so much that I am grateful."
I know you love me.But I would like you to rise higher, because right now you are just walking on the ground, the lowest rung of the ladder.And you have' the capacity to take off into the skysky beyond skies.
You can reach to the very climax of existence and its . beauty, its truth, its eternity, its deathlessness.Wrat has happened to you, Puma, continue it In other realms, jo: other directions.
In love, drcp the objccf In meditation, don't meditate upon somebody or something - drop t1w object.All over the world, whenever you tell people to meditate, they immediatf'ly ask, "On what?" because verbally, meditation is ~ction, activitv. On what has one to meditate'? .
Meditation begins only when there is nothing to meditate upon, when there is simply consciousnessyou are aware - but you are not concentrating on anything.Concentration is a kind of imprisonment. And all our educational programs around the world are teaching people to concentrate.A man like J\,dolf Hitler creates concentration camps to kill people - his concentration camps are crude and primitive.
All the religions have created concentration camps for you, but they are psychological. They have created a certain prison inside your mind. You cannot go out Qf it because wherever you go, it is always within you. You cannot run; howsoever fast you run, it is always with you.
A Sufi story IS....A man was very much afraid of darkness; he had a paranoia. He w.as also afraid of aloneness - these two things are always found together. The man who is afraid of darkness will necessarily be afraid of .aloneness, and viCe-versa. Because darkness gives you a feeling of aloneness in a vast universe. It may. be populated with nine hundred billion people, but in darkness you are alone.
As you start a revolution in you, transforming love from' objects and pouring it into your own source, you will be absolutely mystified - coming to know that you have so much love that you can bless the whole world.But your love will be more like compassion, cool, more like friendliness.
Your love will be free from its biological, hormonal, chemical past. For the first time it will be beyond matter. For the first time you will not be forced by some blind forces in nature - you will decide.
And when you have so much to give, and when you discover that the more you give, the more you have it, then love is no longer a relationship but a pure sharing, with no desire of gaining anything in return.
Love has gone beyond the world of the marketplace;it'is no longer business. It is fOf the first time pure play, leela, But about the second part of your question: your love is certainly hotter. And you know, I don't like heat!You can see,.. two air conditioners!You will have to experience a higher and more refined, more purified energy.
Only then you can:understand whether I love you more or you love me.more. Right now it can be said that you love me more.My love is simply love - neither more nor less. I cannot figure out how to love less. I have tried! - but I am ashamed to say to you that I have failed continuously for mv whole life.
I have not been able to love less and/neither can I love more. 'More' and 'less' are words that don't belong to the spiritual realm. They belong to. the world of matter.The English word 'matter' is from a Sanskrit root, matra. It means "that which can be measured." From the same root, matra comes the French word metre.That which can be measured is not my love.That which cannot be measured, that which cannot be more or less, that which is just for you to share....
Because this whole existence is made of the stuff called love. As you understand your reality, you have understood in mini
The whole existence becomes your beloved.- the trees dancing in the wind and the sun, the clouds moving in the sky, a beautiful sunset....Once you understand that you are part, an intrinsic part of this loving existence, this constantly rejoicing existence, you will drop all boundaries and all limitations on your love, on your intelligence. .
You will be reborn - reborn as a Gautam Buddha, a fully awakened consciousness.Your experience has directed you towards a right source. Just follow it - with ease, with relaxedness.Much more, so much more that you cannot imagine?is going to shower on you. .. roses and roses and roses. .