Saturday, June 23, 2007

what is Love ?

In Plato's Symposium, Socrates says:
A man who practices the mysteries of love will be in contact not with a reflection, but with truth itself. To know this blessing of human nature, one can find no better helper than love.

I have been commenting my whole life on love, in thousands of different ways, but the message is the same. Just one fundamental thing has to be remembered: It is not the love that you think is love. Neither is Socrates speaking about that love nor am I speaking about it.

The love you know is nothing but a biological urge; it depends on your chemistry and your hormones. It can be changed very easily--a small change in your chemistry and the love that you thought was the "ultimate truth" will simply disappear. You have been calling lust "love." This distinction should be remembered.

Socrates says, "A man who practices the mysteries of love..." Lust has no mysteries. It is a simple biological game; every animal, every bird, every tree knows about it. Certainly the love that has mysteries is going to be totally different from the love with which you are ordinarily acquainted.

A man who practices the mysteries of love will be in contact not with the reflection, but with truth itself.

This love that can become a contact with truth itself arises only out of your consciousness--not out of your body, but out of your innermost being. Lust arises out of your body, love arises out of your consciousness. But people don't know their consciousness, and the misunderstanding goes on and on--their bodily lust is taken for love.

Very few people in the world have known love. Those are the people who have become so silent, so peaceful... and out of that silence and peace they come in contact with their innermost being, their soul. Once you are in contact with your soul, your love becomes not a relationship but simply a shadow to you.

Wherever you move, with whomsoever you move, you are loving.
Right now, what you call love is addressed to someone, confined to someone. And love is not a phenomenon that can be confined. You can have it in your open hands, but you cannot have it in your fist. The moment your hands are closed, they are empty. The moment they are open, the whole of existence is available to you.

Socrates is right: One who knows love also knows truth, because they are only two names of one experience. And if you have not known the truth, remember that you have not known love, either.

To know this blessing of human nature, one can find no better helper than love.
Copyright © 2001 by Osho International Foundation

Women are not that bad as most men perceive them. There are exceptions too. And if you are able to crack the GMI syndrome of any woman ? YOU surely CAN WIN.

Now what's this GMI syndrome?
It is Give Me Importance.?
Unlike men, the confidence level of women to a very large extent depends upon lots of external factors - how others see them, how others perceive them, and how much importance people give them for their existence & their decisions. Hence a girl at her prime (17 - 25) has more confidence than a woman who is at her 40 or 45.

Men remain the same through out their lives !
they keep poking their nose, scratching their scrotum, and farting all around without giving a damn to the people who notice them.